March 29, 2012

Boring post

Ok, today I'm going to talk about my thesis. So if you don't want to read it, you have all my sympathy. : )
I'm studing the birth race with data of 1800. I have to study if the Church (saying to people "you don't have to make sex"; I'm very embarassed if I think when I will debate this with some Professors, my face will turn pink, red, bordeaux ..... ) influenced births, mainly during Lent, ah, I'm studing statistical....
Data say no. Is it funny for my thesis? : )
I leave with these FANTASTIC ROSES that arrived yesterday evening for my mommy.....


  1. I think this is a really interesting topic for a statistical thesis! As you might know, I have to study a bit of statistics for my psychology studies in one course. So far I like it, I just have to start being friends with my calculator :D

    Those flowers look beautiful! Have a nice day!

  2. That sounds like an interesting thesis, I'm sure lots of people will want to debate hehe People get really opinionated when religion is involved. Good luck with everything and pretty flowers!
